Sunday, November 29, 2009

i know the reason

that you talk behind my back.... Dennis.

 Are you planning a sneak attack? 

Bobby is my buddy and he won't listen to you.  

No, i do not feel that good when i see the heartbreaks you embrace - if i was a master thief perhaps i'd rob them... And now i know you're dissatisfied with your position ( no longer alpha cat! ) and your place... don't you understand it's not my problem? 


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I'd watch out! I don't care who is buddy with who if they are behind you, they can attack.

Unknown said...

Eddy, you are so serious! And yet adorable at the same time. You're so cute I want to snuggle you!

Ron Mount said...

You've gotta lot of nerve ...

Shammickite said...

Make sure you keep looking over your shoulder, Eddy. Wise advice from someone who knows....

tut-tut said...

I'd find my spot, under a chair, or inside the couch. And lurk.

LKD said...

Oh, Edward, you silly boy.

The thing about alpha position is that once you're alpha, you're always alpha, even if some youngster comes along and knocks you down off your king of the mountain hill.

So, you may very well be alpha now, but because Dennis was born alpha (like Elmo), Dennis will always be alpha, even if the situation is otherwise.

(I'm not knocking you down, buddy. I'm just telling you like it is. You can't switch off the alpha switch once it's been switched on. Ask Elmo. Bob beats him up all the time. Elmo is old and arthritic. Bob is young and strong. But Elmo will be alpha until know. Until then, Elmo is king of the hill, even when Bob is pinning him to the floor and making his grampa squeal like a pig.)

Congrats, by the way, on your alpha status. Did you have to kick everyone's ass in order to get there? I can't imagine Bobby (Ched) has an alpha bone in his body so you probably didn't have to lord over him. The struggle with Dennis though must've been something to see. And what about the elusive, Garbo-esque Jeff?


Megan said...

Deep thoughts, Eddy.

I approve lurking.

lettuce said...

ah Eddy

those cat politics are so complicated

Anonymous said...

Ed, dude! You need backup?!