Sunday, May 10, 2009



LKD said...

Ain't nothing shameless about that belly, mister.

It's as pretty as Elmo's. Elmo's skunk belly. That's what I call it. Or, his Shamu belly.

Elmo used to sleep on his back all the time. It's supposed to be good for the feline spine.

Bob sleeps on his back. He also daydreams on his back. He likes to look out the sliding glass door and watch the world upside down.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Watch out! My human is going to rub that tummy! She says the white makes it stand out so you just know exactly where to rub!

Megan said...

Beggars can sometimes be choosers!

Anonymous said...

Let the snorgling commence!

Cergie said...

Eddy, I do like the white pattern on your belly. It is almost a French cow's one.
It's quite a compliment. Our cows are very smart, you know.

weight loss pills said...

don't he felt shame. but he is soooo cute

Deborah Godin said...

Aaaay, if you're cute and furry, flaunt it.

R.L. Bourges said...

shameless - as well you should be. Enjoy all the cuddles you can, Eddie.

Daisy said...

Edward, you got a real cool white shape on your belleh. I think you are right to show it off.

dennis said...

Dennis agrees. Shameless.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Wow!! That should have came with a warning!!!!

Purrs, Banshee

Nomi said...

I do that all the time but don't tell Dennis otherwise he will want me to post a pichur.

Shammickite said...

Let it all hang out, Eddy!

bitchlet said...

I've not been feeling like blogging either. Same boat.

Mickey's Musings said...

Yeah,but the belly rubs are worth it!
Purrs Mickey

bitchlet said...

hello eddy,

my new blog is

no more quacking for me.

lettuce said...


what shame?

Unknown said...

Oh how I have missed the little Eddy. Hello there! :-)

Bollywood News said...

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Anonymous said...

Hey, something is wrong with your site in Opera, you should check into it.